
January 12th 2016 - Workshop

 Mechanobiology and Physics of Life in Lyon


Salle de Conférences Hermann, Faculté de médecine Lyon Est, Rockfeller site

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1


8h30-9h Welcome


9h-9h45  Jacques Prost (Institut Curie, Paris, and Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore)

                 Long Time Tissue Dynamics and Multicellular Spheroids



Session “From cells to tissue and development”




Hélène Ayari

ILM, Université Lyon 1, Lyon


Biorheology in vitro: from cells to tissues



Etienne Jocelyn


LIPHY, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble


Emergent rheology of actomyosin in single cells and in a developing epithelium



Françoise Monéger

RDP, ENS Lyon, Lyon



ETTIN controls Arabidopsis gynoecium morphogenesis through the regulation of pectin methylesterase activity



Léna Beauzamy & Fourquin Chloe

RDP, ENS Lyon, Lyon



Probing the mechanics of seed development: Compressing a pressurized balloon



10h45-11h05 Coffee break



Muriel Grammont

LBMC, ENS Lyon, Lyon


Deciphering the mechanics of cell flattening in Drosophila



Kateryna Fal


RDP, ENS Lyon, Lyon



The role of chromatin remodelling in mechanical stress transduction at the shoot apex of Arabidopsis thaliana



Boudewijn van der Sanden

Clinatec, Grenoble


Optimizing the elastic modulus and cell adhesion proteins in hyaluronic acid hydrogels as a matrix for adhesion, growth and differentiation of neural progenitor cells



Ruth Rubio Amador


 IGFL, ENS Lyon, Lyon





Mechanotransductional signalling in wildtype skin and classic Elhler-Danlos disease mouse models

Flash presentations on indentation and AFM solutions:  1. Bruker  -  2. JPK




12h15 -14h15 Lunch and Poster session


Session “ Subcellular mechanics”



Wallis Nahaboo

LBMC, ENS Lyon, Lyon


Microtubule dynamics and mechanical forces in the one-cell C. elegans embryo



Eric Freyssingeas

Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, Lyon


Étude de la dynamique interne du noyau d'une cellule vivante par des expériences de diffusion dynamique de la lumière



Alice Nicolas


LTM, CEA, Grenoble


Micro-patterning the rigidity of the substrate reveals the multi-scaled sensitivity of living cells to mechanics



Aurélie Dupont

LIPHY, Univ Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble


Cracking the codes of mechanotransduction



Session “ Pathology and cancer”



Bastien  Laperrousaz

CRCL, Lyon


BCR-ABL increases cell stiffness in primitive CD34+ CML cells



Vinoth Rajan Sundar

IAB, Université Grenobles Alpes, Grenoble


Adhesion and Transendothelial Migration of Cancer Cells: an AFM Study



Joseph D'Alessandro

ILM, Université Lyon 1, Lyon


Collective regulation of motility by long and short-ranged interactions in vegetative Dictyostelium discoideum



Françoise Brochard-Wyart

Institut Curie-UPMC, Paris


Formation of tethers from spreading cellular aggregates: new mechanism for tumor proliferation



16h15-16h45 Coffee break



Magalie Faivre

INL, Université Lyon 1, Lyon


Dynamical behavior of cancer cells migrating on nano- and micro-patterned substrates



Magali Phaner-Goutorbe

INL, ECL, Lyon


Glycocluster against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa: A new therapeutical approach studied at the nanoscale



17h15-18h Peter Friedl (MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, and

                   Department. of Cell Biology, Nijmegen) - Mechanics of cancer cell invasion in vivo




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